English and Me, not always easy …
Lucka Skružná (17) is definitely one of the students we are the proudest of! No one else has ever mastered English in such a short time. Here comes her amazing and inspiring story which could be titled: From Hating English to Getting Published in the Famous Bridge Magazine… A True Story! Enjoy 😉 …
How I started to like English?
Some of the readers of this article might think that a person who speaks excellent English has always loved English and never had problems with it, but how was it really in my case?
I have had English since kindergarten, so I thought that since I’ve been learning English for 8 years, some new teacher in the 9th grade wouldn’t be able to surprise me, but the opposite was true. When we got a new English teacher in the 9th grade, I started to get bad grades and my illusions about perfect English disappeared in a second. I started to dread going to English classes, I hated the language, I developed such a dislike for it that I was counting down the seconds when the class would finally end. But the grades did not improve and my dislike of English increased. So I needed to find some solution, tutoring came to mind.
I signed up for „English with Pepa“ tutoring. I got the best teacher I could wish for – Filip. Over the course of a year and a half, he showed me that English can be fun and it can be something that will fulfill me and I will want to devote myself to it even in my free time. After a year and a half of regularly attending the course, Filip offered me to pass on my knowledge and start helping other people with English. I was afraid of it, I was also discomfited, how a person who hated English suddenly became someone who lives in English. I nodded at it and started tutoring. I started watching movies only in English, read only originals from British writers and understood everything I wanted to.
My other big thanks also go to Milan. He became the second and also the last teacher who changed my view of English. I will always like to remember him, not only through the vocabulary and grammar
he thought me, but also through a song. Yes, song. He has so much in his mind that he couldn’t fit my name in there for a while, but once the song by The Beatles „Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds“ came to his mind and since that time he had no problems with my name. So every time I hear the song, I remember him 🙂
I also got an article in Bridge magazine. It is an internationally recognized educational magazine for students and is subscribed by many schools. When I found a part of my article in one magazine, I didn’t want to believe it. Me, who hated English, suddenly wrote an article in English for such a well-known magazine, my dream came true.
And today I’m grateful that I know English and I’m able to speak in English. Of course I make mistakes, just like everyone else, but in the end, mistakes are what make us human. Today, English gives me the ability to communicate with people I care about, learn new customs of different cultures and, above all, feel free.
For those who would like to read a part of my article in Bridge, it’s here in the attachment too 🙂