12 prosince 2013 ~ Zatím žádný komentář

Anglické hádanky – English riddles (3)

Dnes vám přinášíme další anglické hádanky, které vytvořili naši studenti v rámci svých domácích úkolů 😉

  • Poslechněte si každou nahrávku několikrát po sobě.
  • Pokud si nebude jistí, pod videem naleznete tři možnosti, z nichž jedno bude správné řešení hádanky.
  • Níže poté naleznete ještě kompletní přepis textu, abyste mohli porovnat, co z nahrávky slyšíte a co tam ve skutečnosti opravdu je.

Have fun with our students´ great riddles 😉

Marty´s riddle

So, who is it?

  • a doctor
  • a dentist
  • a school director

 My word is a person who most people don´t like but all go to him. The person is adult, very clever and has a university degree. The person works in a room which is very clean. In the room there are a lot of things. The main thing in the room is a big armchair. The armchair is usually white or light green. The person always checks your smile and your teeth and fixes them. Who is it?

Sidney´s riddle

So, what is it?

  • a shark
  • a tiger
  • a crocodile

 My word is an animal. The animal lives in water – in lakes or rivers. It is big. It has four short legs, a big mouth with a lot of teeth. It is a very dangerous animal. What is it?

Libor´s riddle

So, what is it?

  • a ball
  • a toy car
  • a card

My word is a thing which you can buy in a sport shop. If you were buying this thing, you could find out that this thing can be of different colours and different sizes. You can play with it different games – football, handball, basketball, floorball. Do you know what it is?

Martin´s riddle

So, what is it?

  • a curtain
  • a blind
  • a plant

 The word which we are trying to find is a thing. The thing is usually near a window. When you want to sleep well, you pull it. When you want to have a nice view, you pull it back. Women usually put it into a washing machine before Christmas. What is it?

Lenny´s riddle

So, who is it?

  • a chimney sweeper
  • a postman
  • a shop assistant

My word is a person who can be very well-known and very important. It´s a person who people like to see, who you can see driving a car, who can wear uniforms, who can be a man or a woman, who can bring good or bad news. It´s a person who can be afraid of dogs and who can deliver packages. Who is it?

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